Melody Shuman - Super Ninjas
2m 34s
This drill can get a bit tricky, but it will help students develop the body control they need to do more advanced kicking skills later on.
Control | Coordination | Balance | Kids
Up Next in Coordination
Melody Shuman - Sandwich
One student will be "sandwiched" between two others that have body shields. Upon the instructor's command, the student in the center must side kick in the proper direction.
Kicking | Coordination | Focus | Kids -
Melody Shuman - Ring Punches
This drill is designed to help young students tell their left and right hands apart. Designate one color to be the right hand and the other to be the left hand, directing the student to strike through each circle.
Kids | Accuracy | Precision | Punching | Focus -
Melody Shuman - Ring of Fire
Students will develop precision and accuracy while working on their chambers to execute side kicks through the hoop.
Kids | Focus | Precision | Accuracy | Kicking | Chambers