Juan Moreno - Floating the Side Kick Deflection
Paddle Drills
3m 2s
Take advantage of electronic scoring systems by deflecting the side kick to slide the foot across the scoring area to land a "round kick".
Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill | Kicking
Up Next in Paddle Drills
Juan Moreno - Drilling Kick Techniques
These variations of individual techniques are not meant to be combos, but training sets to help your students get tons of reps.
Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill | Kicking -
Juan Moreno - Front Leg Kick with Fol...
The front leg kick is a cornerstone of modern olympic Tae Kwon Do. These combinations will show your students how to follow up the lead leg side kick.
Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill | Kicking -
Juan Moreno - Getting to the Blind Spot
This drill focuses on getting to the back side of the head following a side kick from your opponent. Set up the back side kick with a smaller kick to the inside on the body.
Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill