Clay Worley - Junior High
Self Defense for Kids
Junior High (6th-8th grade) Clay Worley and Joye Zverina teach team building skills to enable kids to respond to threats quickly and effectively; working on challenging each other and using drills to build faster and stronger reflexes. Kids will learn warm-up drills that include Closing the Gap between long and short distances, power and persistence drills such as Last Kicker Standing, and concentration drills like Sticky Hands, to help them become more aware of the importance of focus and speed.
Up Next in Self Defense for Kids
Clay Worley - Mini Mites
Mini Mites (Pre K 1st grade) Get Smart! Be Prepared! Clay Worley and Joye Zverina teach Pre_K through 1st graders the importance of recognizing a situation, getting away quick and reporting to a parent or autority figure. They show fun and effective drills such as the Marching Dinosuar, Noodle Dr...
Clay Worley - Elementary School
Elementary School (2nd-5th grade) Kids learn how to stop threats with fun drills such as the Cat Scratch Drill, Superhero Rollover Frog Kick Combo, and Stomp the Can. Clay Worley and Joye Zverina teach self_control and awareness with Red Light Green Light, Sticky Fingers, and the Washing Machine....
Scott Templeton - Escapes from Bully ...
In this title, the student is provided with the tools to prevent or stop bullying for good. Grabs from the front, side and clothing lapels are addressed in this title. Kids | Self Defense