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Herb Perez - Distance Drills - Air Drills

Sparring Drills • 1m 42s

Up Next in Sparring Drills

  • Jadi Tention - Hook Round Kick Progre...

    The first step of this 6-part progression is the basic hook kick - roundhouse kick combo. Focus on reducing the movement to provide a faster kick.
    Sparring | Point Fighting | Point Sparring | Kicking

  • Jadi Tention - Hook Round Kick Progre...

    The final step of this progression features a full on blitz following the hook-round. This is a textbook follow up technique to ensure a score following the kicking combination.
    Sparring | Point Sparring | Point Fighting | Kicking | Punching | Blitz | Spacing

  • Michael Kramp - Don't Crowd Me

    One student is chosen to be the defender, while the rest of the class is assigned to act like a typical crowd with one other student being a mystery attacker.
    Self Defense | Reaction Time | Teens | Adults