Herb Perez - Front Leg Distance Drills
Sparring Drills
1m 49s
These distance drills are very effective for controlling the spacing between you and your opponent through the lens of both offense and defense.
Olympic TKD | TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill
Up Next in Sparring Drills
Michael Kramp - Plank Sparring
The plank is designed to build speed and balance. Tell your students not to focus on power. Many different techniques can be applied to this drill.
Teens | Games | Kicking | Sparring | Technique | Intermediate | Speed | Balance -
Juan Moreno - Offense & Defense from ...
This mentality uses the boxing principles of performing all techniques from one stance that you are most comfortable with. Add movement to account for distance.
Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Technique | Fundamentals | Basics | Beginner -
Juan Moreno - Offense & Defense from ...
This drill upgrades the idea of striking from one stance, now using double kicks instead of single kicks.
Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Spacing | Technique | Fundamentals | Advanced | Intermediate