Christine Rodrigues - Ax Kick Drill
Point Fighting
1m 49s
Work on the ax kick from a point fighter's point of view. Learn how to disguise your ax kick so the opponent never sees it coming.
Intermediate | Technique | Angles | Footwork | Point Karate | Point Fighting | Sparring | Partner Drill | Kicking | Pad Drill
Up Next in Point Fighting
Christine Rodrigues - Creating the Op...
The techniques themselves are the bread and butter of point fighting. How do you create the opportunity to use those techniques?
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Christine Rodrigues - Kick Positioning
The hook, round, and side kicks are the three most commonly used kicks in sparring. Learn how to disguise these kicks and avoid "telegraphing".
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Justin Ortiz - Defensive Side Kick
Use a backwards side step to create the space necessary to extend the defensive side kick. This kick is a staple for any sport karate sparring athlete.
Kicking | Sparring | Point Karate | Sport Karate | Point Fighting | Defense