Herb Perez - Multi-Directional Distance Attacking Drill
Sparring Drills
1m 27s
Work on your round kicks with this drill that incorporates the lead leg, rear leg, and a defensive round kick. This is a very practical drill for Tae Kwon Do sparring.
Olympic TKD | TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Kicking | Round Kick | Paddle Drill
Up Next in Sparring Drills
Michael Kramp - Sock 'em Bop 'em Robots
White belts around the fighters' waists allow for some resistance that will keep the students controlled while they drill different sparring techniques.
Sparring | Resistance Training | Partner Drill -
Justin Ortiz - Defense Against a Roun...
Try to avoid taking the impact of the attacker's round kick. Use a side step to minimize impact and grab the leg before executing additional strikes or sweeps.
Self Defense | Takedown -
Juan Moreno - Front Leg Distance Drill
These techniques will use the front leg roundhouse kick to adjust distance in a sport Tae Kwon Do match.
Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill | Technique | Fundamentals | Basics | Beginner | Round House | Kicking